Write or Die, 8,000 Words, and Nanowrimo

That’s a big title.

Hello all. This isn’t going to be a hundred percent useful blog, just an update really. (Oh yes because people really care. Nah, this update might have some useful stuff for other writers which is pretty much the only reason I’m doing it) As you can tell I’m now aiming for once a week posts but I have no focus. So this one is like a day late.

Anyway. Yesterday was Sunday and I had a huge day of writing. It was about early afternoon that I was on youtube. Then a revelation occurred! Instead of spending the next eight hours using up internet data, I could write a thousand words an hour and have eight thousand words done in a day. Bonus; It would also get my novel at 40k.

It usually takes me around fifteen to twenty minutes to spit out a thousand words, so I decided this was a fairly simple task, and definitely one that I could take on. Then I turned to my good ole friend Write or Die to help me out.

Write or Die is this great app that you can buy. You set word count goal and a time limit to acheive that, and then  you write. And you can’t stop. Because if you stop, the screen goes red and starts screaming at you, and I’ve heard it even deletes words. Just the red and screaming is good enough for me though.

So this is how I wrote eight thousand words in eight hours. Even though I really only needed to write 1,666 because, segway alert, I’m doing Nanowrimo!

Sort of.

For those who don’t know, Nanowrimo is National Novel Writing Month. All around the world people attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, in November. Google it, it’s awesome.

Now if you check the date that this goes up, you might realise that it isn’t November. No. It’s May. Better yet, I didn’t even start in the beginning of the month.

I’ve watched a lot of Katytastic’s (youtuber. Go look her up, she’s awesome.) Nanowrimo vlogs and always found them rather inspiring to go and write. But my problem was I was always trying to write a massive 90,000 or even 100,000 word novel, so Nanowrimo didn’t really suit me. But finally I had an idea for a little contemporary story that I thought, hey, I want to write this. It only needs to be short. And I bet I can do it in 30 days.

I tried to wait until the beginning of May, I really did. But I was too excited. My outline was done, my character development was done, so in the middle of APRIL I decided to just make myself a 30 day chart and go for it. (I also have one or two scenes that I just needed to copy and paste in, and that’s against the rules in the official nanowrimo.)

Currently I am on Nanowrimo day 20. The word count goal for today is 33,340 words.I currently have 40,881, because of my complete insanity yesterday. I’ve got some more work coming up in the next few days though, so I won’t be able to write as much. Sunday and Monday are my free-est days, which is probably the only reason I’m so far ahead.

I really like the story but it’s obvious that a lot of plot things are going to be changed in revisions. And I’m kind of nervous to finish the story because I am literally less than ten thousand words away from finishing and, admittedly, I’ve never revised a story.

So. Damn.

I’m hoping to document my revising process a lot though in upcoming blogs, so that people can either give me tips or maybe I’ll even help you with your manuscript, who knows?

I get the feeling this story is going to be talked about a lot in upcoming blogs, so I’m going to need a code name for it. I don’t currently have a title for it, which sucks, and I am so paranoid that someone is going to steal whatever amazingly brilliant title I come up with. So for now, let’s come up with a code name. Except I suck at code names, so if anyone’s reading this, can you leave some suggestions below? If no one does then I’ll just come up with something in the next blog. Honestly, I don’t have many followers, and it pretty much feels like I’m just talking to myself. Because I don’t even edit these blogs, I can’t be bothered. I’ve got writing to do.

No I mean I literally have writing to do. So. Yeah. See you next week. Or I won’t see you. You’ll . . . read . . . me. Okay. I’m done. Bye.

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